Belgisch Oftalmologisch Gezelschap + Société Belge d'Ophtalmologie

Donderdag 28 November 2013, 09:00 - 12:30, Hall A
Minh-Tri HUA, Frank jr. GOES
200109:00It's a material world: hydrophobic - hydrophilic HUA MT
200209:10IOL platforms: stability, tilt, decentration… BLANCKAERT J
200309:30Update on "Bag in the lens" IOL TASSIGNON MJ
200409:45The Q factor: when (not) to use aspherical lenses, and why? VAN ACKER E
200510:00Battle Rounds 1: Multifocal lenses. Pro and Contra VAN HORENBEECK R, LEPIECE G
200611:00Toric Lenses: calculation, marking methods, accuracy D'HOLLANDER F
200811:35Choice of IOL when the capsule is torn VAN CAUWENBERGE F
200911:50Positive and negative dysphotopsia VANDORSELAER T
201012:00Battle Rounds 2: ICL® vs Artifex® GOES F jr, SALLET G
 12:30End of session
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