AOB Free papers

AOB Rapid Fire session
Woensdag 27 November 2013, 14:00 - 15:30, Hall D
104114:00Improving refractive laser surgery outcomes by using Relex Smile for intermediate and high myopia and myopic astigmatism GOES F Jr
104214:09A new and standardized method to sample and analyse vitreous biopsies in uveitis VAN GINDERDEUREN R, VAN CALSTER J
104314:18The EVRS Macular hole Study JACOB J, STALMANS P
104414:27Spontaneous evolution of tractional diseases of the vitreomacular interface STALMANS P, LESCRAUWAET B
104514:36Intracameral bevacizumab as an adjunct to trabeculectomy: a one year prospective, randomized study. VANDEWALLE E, ABEGAO PINTO L, VAN BERGEN T, MOONS L, SPILEERS W, ZEYEN T, STALMANS I
104614:45Does generic Latanoprost measure up to the branded, well-known Xalatan® ? MARINESCU C, POURJAVAN S
104714:54What is the most optimal administration route of bevacizumab after glaucoma filtration surgery in mice? HOLLANDERS K, VAN BERGEN T, VAN DE VELDE S, SIJNAVE D, VANDEWALLE E, MOONS L, STALMANS I
104815:03Glaucoma surgery outcome in Rwanda DE SMEDT S, FONTEYNE Y
104915:12Anxiety and depression in ophthalmic emergencies: highly prevalent and under diagnosed STROMAN L, LUK S
105015:21Ocular abnormalities among children with Down Syndrome. A retrospective study. POSTOLACHE L, MONIER A, MEIRE F, BEBY F
 15:30End of session
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