BSA: Belgian Strabismological Association

Donderdag 24 November 2011, 09:00 - 12:25, Hall D
 09:15Diplopia with normal covertest PARIS V
 09:30Diplopia in children DECONINCK H
 09:45A cerebral and an optical cause of diplopia DE NIJS E
 10:00Progressive impairment of the third nerve VAN EECKHOUTTE L.
 10:15Decompensation of the fourth cranial nerve: surgical and prismatical treatment GOBIN C
 11:00Diplopia after an iatrogenic event YUKSEL D
 11:15Diplopia caused by convergence insufficiency DE TEMMERMAN S
 11:30Age-related distance esotropia PRINSEN S
 11:45How do I manage the neurological work-up of diplopia? ANDRIS C
 12:25End of session
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