SBO @ AMICO: Photophobia

Zaterdag 6 Maart 2010, 09:00 - 16:00, Canopée
 09:00Definition and pathogenesis CORDONNIER M
 09:20Intra-ocular light scatter, causes and measurement. Straylight in albinism as an example, and how contact lenses can help VAN DEN BERG T
 10:05Ocular lenses in photophobia: what can we propose for which cases? ANDRIANTAFIKA M
 10:15Why examining the skin and hair in photophobic children may be very useful? ROULEZ F, DANGOISSE C
 11:00Jules Francois memorial lecture, Gisèle Soubrane: Imaging of Age Related Macula Degeneration
 12:00SBO Assemblée Générale (pour les membres SBO)
 12:30Lunch et visit de l’exposition
 13:30Retinal dystrophies causing photophobia DEPASSE F
 13:45Case report: photophobia, epiphora, torticollis TAYLOR D
 14:05Photophobia in adult patients: peculiar cases and considerations GERARD P
 14:40Why are migrainous patients photophobic? How can we help photophobia in benign essential blepharospasm? VAN NECHEL C
 15:00Optical aids in photophobia VANMECHELEN M
 15:20Surgical solutions for photophobia SCHROOYEN M, SILBERBERG D
 16:00End of session
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