BSCRS Refractive surgery

Vrijdag 26 November 2004, 09:00 - 11:30, Hall D
Bernard MATHYS
A201309:00Introduction by the Past President BSCRS TRAU R
A201409:10Measuring Aberrations in daily practice MATHYS B
A201509:20Wavefront-guided treatment with the Wavelight laser ASSAF J
A201609:30Aberrometry-guided treatment with the Zeiss laser CLAEYS M
A201709:40CustomCornea® LASIK with Ladarvision 4000 and Ladarwave BLANCKAERT J, MULLIEZ E
A201809:50Topo- and wavefront-guided surface ablations with the Zyoptix MATHYS B
A201910:00Optical zone enlargement VAN HORENBEECK R
A202010:10Measuring the quality of vision after customised treatment TASSIGNON MJ
 10:20Discussion on these topics
A202110:50Retreatment of post-RK patients with wavefront – or topography guided ablations VRYGHEM JC
A202211:00Combined hyperopic-presbyopic LASEK TRAU R, SCHRAEPEN P, TASSIGNON M-J
A202311:10Foldable Artisan lens BUDO C
A202411:20Correcting high ametropia by lens exchange LEMAGNE JM
 11:30End of session
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