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TitelAcquired diplopia without oculomotor palsy : a case series of 25 patients
DoelPurpose : This study aims to investigate the causes and treatments of acquired binocular diplopia in adult without oculomotor palsy.
MethodesMethods : We reviewed records of 25 consecutive patients who presented acute and persistent diplopia without oculomotor involvement at a tertiary hospital's Neuro-ophthalmology department over a six- month period. These patients underwent an exhaustive neuro-ophthalmic and orthoptic examination.
ResultatenResults : Between January and June 2023, 25 patients were enrolled (18 F, 7 M). The age of the patients ranged from 51 to 91 years old with a mean age of 74 years old. Among them, 21 presented a binocular deviation: 10 horizontal (7 esotropia, 3 exotropia), 6 vertical and 5 oblique. The reasons for fusion disruption were often multifactorial: central and/or peripheral visual impairment, aniseikonia, refractive changes from multifocal IOL and head injury. Fusion may be worsened by medications (anxiolytic, antidepressive) or neurological disorders (4 Parkinson's disease, 1 Lewy body dementia, 1 stroke). The proposed treatments consisted of 6 IOL implantations, 1 vitrectomy, 1 strabismus surgery and 11 prism adaptations.
ConclusieConclusion : Diplopia due to fusional disorders without oculomotor palsy should be considered in elderly patients. Treatment can be challenging. However, in most patients, fusion can be restored after improvement of visual acuity with surgery, careful subjective refraction and, if needed, prism adaptation. Strabismus surgery is not always recommended as patients’ fusion is often unstable, especially in older population.
Auteur 1
InstituutCliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
Auteur 2
InstituutCliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
Auteur 3
InstituutCliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
Auteur 4
InstituutCliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
Auteur 5
InstituutCliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc
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