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TitelCase Report of epithelial ingrowth after anterior chamber paracentesis
DoelEpithelial Ingrowth is a rare complication of penetrating corneal injury (trauma or surgery), characterized by a translucent sheet of epithelial cells that spreads across tissues of the anterior chamber. Most of the cases are due to LASIK.
MethodesWe report a case of a diabetic 67 years old woman who get this pathology after an anterior chamber paracentesis (ACP). The ACP was performed for the research of cytomegalovirus for an acute episode of hypertensive anterior uveitis in the left eye suggesting Posner Schlossman. The 30-gauge needle was then passed through the temporal side of the limbus of the cornea. 5 months after, the patient came to the hospital complaining of blurred vision without any pain on the left eye. Her left best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0,9 and the intraocular pressure was normal. The anterior segment examination revealed a large stromal opacification of the cornea with endothelial and epithelial neovascularization. Gonioscopy revealed a neovascular membrane in the temporal quadrant aligned with the ACP site.
ResultatenWith preserved visual acuity, we preferred a medical conservative treatment by local corticosteroids and subconjunctival anti-VEGF (Avastin) at frequency once per week. The aspect of the cornea was more clear with large reduce of neovascularisation and corneal opacification. The BCVA was improved to 1,0.
However, it seems difficult to reduce the local corticosteroids and the frequency of those subconjunctival injection without getting an upsurge of neovascularisation.
ConclusieEpithelial ingrowth is a well-described complication following LASIK but has not been described to occur after anterior chamber paracentesis.
Auteur 1
InstituutCliniques universitaires Saint-Luc
Auteur 2
InstituutCliniques universitaires Saint-Luc
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