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TitelThe healthscape evaluated by visually impaired outpatients in two belgian hospitals
DoelTo define the ways of improving the healthscape at the hospital in order to improve the service convenience, the patient intimacy and the multi-sensory experience for all.
MethodesTwo cohorts of six visually impaired outpatients consulting at two hospitals in the Liège area (CHR and CHU) were observed, interviewed and invited to share their feelings and thoughts about the convenience of the journey from the hospital access facilities to the Ophthalmology department. The difficulties they encountered with the healthscape, the senses which can be used to cope with their visual deficiencies and the factors that influence their perception of intimacy in hospital were discussed.
ResultatenUnsurprisingly, the registration process and the route signage (wayfinding), two steps to be performed in "self service", were evaluated as the most disabling and the less convenient (mean score of 5.1/10 and 1.7/10 respectively). In contrast, the Ophthalmology department is considered as the most convenient location (8.3/10). It is also the location where intimacy expectations are the highest.
ConclusieWe have been able to propose healthscape improvements in order to promote the use of other senses than sight, and consequently to strengthen the autonomy of the visually impaired patient inside the hospital. The improvement and enrichment of the hospital physical environment will reinforce the service convenience, their perception of intimacy and create a new multi-sensory experience. This study highlights the fact that nowadays the accessibility, the patient satisfaction and the patient experience in healthcare settings are not sufficiently taken into account.
Auteur 1
InstituutCHU Liège
Auteur 2
InstituutCHU Liège
Auteur 3
InstituutCHU Liège
Auteur 4
InstituutHEC Liège
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