Abstract bekijken

Deze abstract is toegekend aan sessie BGS
TitelUpdate in Tonometry
DoelIn glaucoma clinics, tonometry is one of the routine tests. Patients treatment has to be adapted and tailored according to a set target pressure.

MethodesA single office hour IOP measurement is usually not enough to correctly manage our glaucoma patients. Valuable clinical informations can be obtained by circadian IOP monitoring. We will discuss how to obtain and interpret these circadian IOP values.

Besides circadian factors, IOP values may also vary according to the instrument used. Although Goldmann applanation tonometry is the most widely used method of measuring IOP and remains the gold standard method, it has been shown that IOP measurements are affected by biomechanical eye factors. Other tonometry devices available in the market might be able to overcome some of the limitations of GAT and become the new gold standard.
Auteur 1
InstituutAntwerp University Hopsital
Auteur 2
InstituutCHU Liège
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