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Deze abstract is toegekend aan sessie AOB and FRO E-Posters
TitelMultimodal imaging of acute macular neuroretinopathy and its evolution over 8 months
Abstract Nr.3026
DoelTo report a case of acute macular neuroretinopathy (AMN) diagnosed by using complete multimodal imaging, and its evolution during 8 months
MethodesA young female complained of blurred vision and sudden apparition of bilateral scotomas, preceded two weeks before by pseudogrippal syndrom and pityriasis rosea (Gibert). We performed ocular standard examination, infrared (IR) and multicolor (MC) imaging, autofluorescence (AF), SD-OCT and Angio-OCT. There were repeated at 2, 3, 5 and 8 months
ResultatenVisual acuity was 1.0 bilaterally. Fundus was unremarkable. IR and MC imaging revealed at both eye 3 dark perifoveolar and petaloïd-shape lesions. AF was normal. SD-OCT showed hyperreflectivity and thickening of the outer plexiform layer (OPL), thinning of the outer nuclear layer and disruption of the complex of photoreceptors. Angio-OCT demonstrated a discreet reduced blood flow in the deep capillary plexus area. 8 months after diagnosis, the visual complains strongly decreased. Visual acuity kept stable. At fundus examination, reddish petaloïd-shaped lesions appeared around the fovea. Lesions in IR and MC remained quite visible, but smaller and less intense. While the hyperreflectivity of OPL was still observable in SD-OCT, the photoreceptor layers recovered almost completely
ConclusieAMN is a rare disease of the external retina, mainly occurring in young female. Multimodal imaging is the best technique to highlight the typical lesions found into the retina, but also to follow the evolution of the lesions. It’s easy to perform and non invasive. The microvascular etiology of AMN is not yet completely understood. Recent hypothesis highlighted the involvement of the deep capillary plexus, whereas other suggested the role of choriocapillary non perfusion
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