Abstract bekijken

TitelPilot study for analyzing the efficacy of new ab interno gel stent in open-angle glaucoma, based on IOP reduction 6 up to 12 months after implantation and its position within the irido-corneal angle
Abstract Nr.1022
DoelIntraocular pressure (IOP) reduction after Xen 45 (Aquesys) subconjunctival implantation, with 6 up to 12 months of follow-up and based on its position within the irido-corneal (IC) angle.
Methodes20 primary open-angle, 1 pigmentary, 1 juvenile glaucoma received Xen+MMC injection.
Qualified or complete success was defined as postoperative 5≤IOP≤18 mmHg at 6 months with or without glaucoma medication respectively. Failure were postoperative IOP≤5 or ≥18 mmHg, additional glaucoma surgery or implant replacement.
ResultatenPreoperative IOP was 20.5±5.7mmHg (n=22) on 2.6±1 drugs. 180 days after surgery, IOP was reduced to 13.3±1.8 (-35.1%) on 0.4±0.9 (-83.1%) drugs (p<.0001). Complete success rate were 68,8%, qualified 25% and failure 6.2%. At 12 months (interim results), IOP was 15.5±1.5mmHg (-24.4%) on 0.8±1 (-68.1%) drugs (n=6) (p<.02, p<.001 respectively). 25% of blebs were revised. Few early complications occurred. Within the IC angle, 27.8% of Xen were anterior to Schwalbe line, 22.2% in the trabeculum and 50% in the scleral spur. We observed no significant IOP variation regarding the Xen position in the IC angle. Different aspects of the bleb were observed: flat, diffuse, ischemic, proximal or distal to the limbus.
ConclusieSubconjunctival implantation of Xen 45 safely and significantly decreased IOP and the use of glaucoma medications up to 6 months after surgery. There was no significative correlation between IOP reduction and the Xen position within the IC angle. The IOP reduction doesn’t seem to be predicted by the aspect of filtration bleb; the Xen position around episclera or its exit through sclera matters. New criteries for post operative assessment of minimal invasive glaucome surgery as Xen should be developed.
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