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TitelEfficacy and tolerability of bimatoprost 0.1 mg/ml (Lumigan®) in POAG/OHT in routine clinical practice in Belgium
Abstract Nr.P119
DoelObservational study to assess the efficacy, tolerability and persistence of use of bimatoprost 0.1 mg/ml in patients with POAG or OHT) in routine clinical practice.
MethodesPatients with POAG or OHT prescribed bimatoprost 0.1 mg/ml were enrolled. Disease characteristics and prior treatments were collected at baseline. Intraocular pressure (IOP), adverse events (AEs) and discontinuations were recorded prospectively. Data were analysed descriptively
ResultatenA total of 933 patients from 117 centres in Belgium were included; median age 65.8 years and 51% females. Most patients had POAG (64%) and 52% of patients had previously received IOP-lowering medication. The median duration of therapy was 8.9 weeks. Mean IOP was reduced from baseline to final visit by 23% in both eyes: by -5.1 mmHg in the right eye (from 22.0 to 16.9 mmHg) and by -5.0 mmHg in the left eye (from 22.0 to 17.0 mmHg). According to physician evaluation, target IOP was reached or even lower in 75.9% of patients and tolerability was very good or good in 87.9% of patients. The majority of patients (80.9%) indicated they would continue bimatoprost beyond the end of the study. AEs were reported in 142 patients (15.2%). Only hyperaemia (7.6%), eye irritation (2.7%) and eye pain (1.5%) occurred in >1% of patients.
ConclusieBimatoprost 0.1 mg/ml can produce additional IOP-lowering in routine clinical practice in patients with POAG or OHT who have had prior therapy, as well as reducing IOP in previously-untreated patients. Bimatoprost 0.1 mg/ml was well tolerated and effective and was associated with a high rate of continuation of therapy.

Auteur 1
InstituutDept Ophthalmology University Clinic
Auteur 2
InstituutMiddelheimziekenhuis Ophtalmologie
Auteur 3
InstituutZiekenhuis Oost-Limburg Oogziekten
Auteur 4
InstituutAllergan UK
Auteur 5
InstituutAllergan UK
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