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TitelEarly OCT-findings after a single intravitreal injection of Ocriplasmin (Jetrea®) to treat vitreomacular traction
Abstract Nr.P108
DoelTo study the effectiveness of vitreomacular release and early OCT-findings after single intravitreal injection of Ocriplasmin (Jetrea®).
Ocriplasmin is a proteolytic enzyme used for the treatment of symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion. It is commercially available in Belgium since June 2013. However, it is not (yet) reimbursed. As a consequence, Ocriplasmin is mainly recommended to good candidates, including small macular hole size (less than 250 µm), narrow vitreomacular traction insertion, no concomitant epiretinal membrane, phakic patients with recent onset symptoms who are less than 70 years old.
MethodesUp to September 2013, 15 injections are given. 7 cases have isolated vitreomacular traction, 8 cases have vitreomacular traction combined with macular hole formation.
ResultatenIn the isolated vitreomacular traction group, 5 out of 7 cases had a release of the posterior vitreous. There were 2 non responders of whom one had a concomitant epiretinal membrane; the other had a broad vitreomacular traction insertion.
In the group combined with macular hole formation, 7 out of 8 cases had a release of the posterior vitreous. At present, 4 macular holes were already closed. The results of the other cases are still pending.
ConclusieEarly OCT-findings show an effective vitreomacular release after a single intravitreal injection of Ocriplasmin (Jetrea®). In most patients, release was found within 24 hours.
Auteur 1
InstituutUZ Leuven, Ophthalmology
Auteur 2
InstituutUZ Leuven, Ophthalmology
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