Abstract bekijken

TitelComplementarity of the neuropsychologic and the orthoptic approach to visual field defects
DoelCognitive impairements – attentionnal, executive and memory deficits – can hinder the set up of compensation strategies for visual deficits learned in the orthoptic approach. Visual perception in case of visual field defects is expensive in terms of attentionnal ressources, which are no more available for complex treatment of visual information. Executive deficits – inhibition, planning, anosognosia – reduce the awareness of deficits and hold up the spontaneous use of compensation strategies. Identifying these cognitive impairements, evaluating them through a neuropsychologic assessment and rehabilitating them with the neuropsychologic approach allow a cognitive improvement, with better learning capacities of the compensation strategies as learned in the orthoptic approach, and a shift of such strategies in everyday life.
Auteur 1
InstituutCentre de la mémoire et de l'attention
Auteur 2
InstituutCentre de rééducation fonctionnelle
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