Abstract bekijken

TitelVisual field defects and fusion
DoelIn patients with visual field defects, the defective function of specific retinal areas may compromise the fusional potential. The relative impact upon binocular functions will depend upon the presence or absence of "overlap" of the functioning retinal areas in each eye.
The best known and most extreme examples are
- homonymous hemianopia, with a more or less full "overlap" of the functional areas,
resulting in a fairly stable binocular status;
- bitemporal hemianopia, where preciously few if any corresponding retinal cells are preserved.

Binocular complaints may vary and are not always easy to interpret. Permanent or intermittent diplopia may occur, but many patients have other complaints, for instance confusion, unstable vision, ...

Orthoptic examination can be challenging: the presence of visual field defects - in some instances associated with diminished visual acuity in one or both eyes - and the various and sometimes atypical complaints ask for a creative approach.

We present clinical examples to illustrate these problems and discuss some treatment options for these difficult to manage patients.
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