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Deze abstract is toegekend aan sessie Poster session
TitelNasolacrimal extension of a primary conjunctival melanoma
Abstract Nr.P014
DoelTo report the clinical findings , treatment and outcome of a patient with an orbital tumor arising from a primary bulbar conjunctival melanoma
MethodesA case report.
A 73 year old woman was reffered at the departement of opthalmology because of a papular bulbar conjunctival lesion. Surgical excision was performed and histopathological exam revealed a malignant melanoma. Subsequently further brachytherapy (Ruthenium) was applied at the bulbar site. Three years later a pigmented lesion appeared in the palpebral conjunctiva of the upper fornix. Complete surgical excision was performed.The following years she developped several recurrences of melanoma which were treated with radiotherapy.
Eight years after initial presentation a nodular lesion extending into the medial wall of the orbit and the lacrimal sac was found on MRI. An orbital exenteration with complete removal of the lacrimal bone and part of the maxillar bone surrounding the ductus lacrimalis was performed
ConclusieA strict follow-up and imaging is required to assess and treat locoregional spread in conjunctival melanoma.
Auteur 1
InstituutUniversity Hospital of Antwerp, Departement of opthalmology
Auteur 2
NaamDe Keizer
InstituutUniversity Hospital Antwerp, Departement of opthalmology
Auteur 3
NaamDe Groot
InstituutUniversity Hospital Antwerp, Departement of opthalmology
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