Abstract bekijken

Deze abstract is toegekend aan sessie BOG-SBO 3 Voorste oogsegment / Segment antérieur
TitelAnterior capsular contraction following uncomplicated phacoemulsification surgery
Abstract Nr.A1059
DoelTo report a case of anterior capsular contraction after phacoemulsification surgery in acrylic hydrophilic monobloc (Stabibag®) intraocular lens.
MethodesCase report.
ResultatenAn 81-year-old woman is referred for lens exchange of her left eye. Two months before she undergoes an uncomplicated phacoemulsification surgery with insertion of a Stabibag® (acrylic hydrophilic monobloc with 3 haptics) lens of +29 Dioptres.
The second postoperative day the objective refraction is +0.50 -0.50X105° and the uncorrected visual acuity is 9/10. At her referral, two months after the surgery, the objective refraction is +7 -5X160° and the corrected visual acuity is 5/10. The anterior segment examination shows severe capsulorhexis contraction, mild inflammation of the anterior chamber and fibrin deposits on the surface of the intraocular lens. A neodymium: YAG laser anterior capsulotomy is performed and at both one week and one month control, the objective refraction is +2 -0.75X145° and the corrected visual acuity is 7/10.
ConclusieSeveral cases of capsulorhexis phymosis following uncomplicated phacoemulsification surgery have been described. Here we report a case of capsulorhexis phymosis following Stabibag® implant, which is treated with one session of neodymium: YAG laser anterior capsulotomy without complication or need of surgical capsulotomy.
Auteur 1
InstituutOphthalmology UCL
Auteur 2
InstituutOphthalmology UCL
Auteur 3
InstituutOphthalmology UCL
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