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TitelCan the HRT II be used to rule out glaucoma ?
Abstract Nr.P011
DoelTo determine the rate of false negative results with the Heidelberg Retina tomograph (HRT II) in a glaucoma practice.
Cross-sectional (Prevalence) study.
MethodesWe analysed the HRT's taken between October 2002 and October 2003 in our glaucoma clinic, and selected the patients who had a good quality image (SD < 40µ) with a normal Moorfield's Regression Analysis (MRA). A masked independent observer classified those patients as normal, glaucoma suspect, or glaucomatous on the basis of optic disc stereo photos (ODP) and at least 2 consecutive reliable automated perimetries. The diagnosis of glaucoma was based on a glaucomatous optic disc with a congruent, reproducible visual field defect.
ResultatenFour hundred and fifty patients who had an HRT examinationwere analysed. One hundred and nine patients had an HRT classid-fied as normal on the MRA and had a good quality image. Fifteen of those 109 patients (13.7%) were classified as glaucomatous on the basis of a abnormal ODP with matching visual field defect. Seven patients were classified as glaucoma suspect.
ConclusieThe rate of false negative results is too high to use the HRT II alone for glaucoma screening.
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