Abstract bekijken

Deze abstract is toegekend aan sessie Poster session in O'Bistro
TitelAdditional diagnostic clue in Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome : Fundus autofluorescence
DoelMultiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome (MEWDS) affects young adults and is characterized by sudden visual alterations in one eye, paracentral scotomas and photopsia. The fundus lesions demonstrate flat, small, multifocal, whitish, well defined spots located predominantly in the paramacular area, and a characteristic foveal granularity. Other findings may include mild vitritis, mild disc swelling and a relative afferent pupillary defect. We describe the evolution of fundus autofluorescence (FAF) in two patients, one with a typical and the other with an uncommon presentation of MEWDS.
MethodesTwo patients with MEWDS were evaluated by angiography and FAF.
ResultatenFor both patients, FAF in the acute phase showed hyperautofluorescent spots that precisely corresponded to the areas of hypofluorescent spots seen on indocyanine green angiography. In one patient who had no white spots on the fundus, but only foveal granularity, FAF findings allowed a faster diagnosis.
ConclusieFAF is a useful non invasive imaging technique to identify MEWDS and should be added to the workup of MEWDS.
Auteur 1
InstituutHôpital Erasme, department of ophthalmology, Université libre de Bruxelles
Auteur 2
InstituutHôpital Erasme, department of ophthalmology, Université libre de Bruxelles
Auteur 3
InstituutHôpital Erasme, department of ophthalmology, Université libre de Bruxelles
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