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Deze abstract is toegekend aan sessie BGS
TitelIs corneal pachymetry mandatory in glaucoma practice?
Abstract Nr.A1042
DoelAmong the numerous corneal variables and biomechanics that may influence the determination of the “true” IOP for applanation tonometry, the measurement of the central corneal thickness (CCT) had confirmed to be a very useful diagnosis tool in selected situations.
In addition to be proved as crucial after corneal refractive surgery, CCT measurements are valuable especially when treatment of ocular hypertension is considered. Their knowledge can also improve the management of patients with normal tension glaucoma, with suspicious or anomalous optic discs and whenever IOP measurements with Goldmann applanation tonometry do not correlate with other clinical parameters. In these cases, the measurement of CCT may be useful in determining if there is an artefactual error in the IOP measurement due to a thicker (too high) cornea or thinner (too low) cornea.
In spite of the absence of a widely-accepted algorithm for the correction of IOP measurements, the widespread adoption of pachymetry as part of the glaucoma examination can be recommended. Actually the acquisition of individual‘s CCT can provide information about one’s glaucoma risk and to a certain extent, the IOP corrected by CCT may change or influence a decision to initiate or modify treatment.
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