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TitelWave front guided repair after previous LASIK Surgery using the Zeiss Crs Master
Abstract Nr.A2026
DoelTo evaluate Customised Wavefront- guided Lasik as a retreatment tool to improve quality of vision in patients with subjective complaints as-glare, night driving problems, diplopia, and loss of Bcva- after previous Lasik surgery.
MethodesThe Wasca Unit was used as the diagnostic tool. The CRS master was used to calculate optimal ablation profiles . The Zeiss- Meditec Mel 80 laser- a 0, 7 mm. spot scanning laser- was used as the treatment tool. Thirteen Lasik eyes with -decentred ablations -too small optical zones and subjective complaints resulting from important high order aberrations after previous Lasik surgeries were included in the study. Repair customised treatment profiles were individually generated based upon Wavefront measurements topography ,pachymetry and target refraction.BSCVA, UCVA, Wavefront, Topography, and Contrast Sensitivity-were analysed at one day, one month and three months.
Resultaten Results demonstrated important subjective improvements in 11/13 cases. Ho aberrations were significantly reduced and topographies improved in all eyes.Mean Ucva improved from 0,6 to 0,85:mean Bscva improved from 0,73 to 0,91 after the first treatment :two eyes needed a second treatment. No eye had a loss of Bscva.
ConclusieWavefront guided customised ablation using the Mel 80 and the Zeiss CRS master is a safe and effective repair tool of problem Lasik cases.
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