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TitelA case of recalcitrant Aspergillus keratitis and endophthalmitis, treated with IV Caspofungine and PO Voriconazole
Abstract Nr.P004
ResultatenIn June 2003 a patient undergoes cataractextraction OD by phaco through a clear cornea temporal incision.
In August the patient is referred to us because of a corneal ulcer, temporally located. Scraping reveals the presence of Aspergillus fumigatus. Treatment is initiated with Amphotericin B drops 0,15% and Fluconazole per os 200 mg per day.
The patient is still under Fluconazole when, in December, the infection spreads to the endothelial side of the cornea. Treatment : Natamycine drops hourly, Fluconazole is continued.
The patient is still using Natamycine when she is rehospitalised in February 2004 for a third lesion and a hypopyon. A diagnostic vitrectomy is performed; Amphotericin B and Kenacort are injected into the vitreous. The endothelial surface of the cornea is wiped with a surgical sponge (positive for Aspergillus fumigatus) and Amphotericin B is injected into the anterior chamber. The department of microbiology suggests to us to try intravenous Caspofungine over a period of 10 days. Afterwards treatment with Natamycine drops and Fluconazole is continued, finally in April the third lesion has healed.
A month later, in May, a fourth lesion develops, spreading on the inside of the cornea; a hypopyon is again present. Treatment this time consists of intravenous Caspofungin for 10 days, followed by Voriconazole per os for three weeks. After 3,5 months, the infection has not returned.
ConclusieCaspofungine and Voriconazole are new antifungal agents for systemic treatment of invasive Aspergillose; their use in ocular infection is still under investigation.
Auteur 1
Auteur 2
Stad Antwerp
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