Abstract bekijken

Deze abstract is toegekend aan sessie BSCRS Cataract surgery
TitelFirst experience with Aqualase®
Abstract Nr.A2063
DoelTo demonstrate the ability of the aqualase instrument.
This is a one of the three methods of removing cataract with The new infinity Cataract removal instrument .
Methodesprospective analysis of 15 Eyes. After Topical anaesthesia and conjunctival decontamination a main corneal incision of 3 mm was made and a sideport incision.
Subsequently the aqualase handpiece was introduced in the eye and
The cataract was aspirated.
Resultatenindicate that cataract removal can be Safely done using this instrument.
ConclusieThe aqualase instrument is a unique, safe and Quick cataract remover up to grade II-III Tricks and tips will be shown
Auteur 1
Auteur 2
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