ManaMa: Retina - December 14, 2013

ULB Brussels, December 14,  2013

Organized by ULB Brussels


Change of venue:
Erasme Hospital, Route de Lennik 808, 1070 Brussels, campus Erasme

Auditoire Claude (building F, groundfloor), Erasme Hospital, Route de Lennik 808, 1070 Brussels, campus Erasme

Map and

One day course in english


On my payments.

This course is part of a Master after Master program that is organised by the Collegium Ophthalmologicum Belgicum. These courses fit in the Master after Master program for our residents, independent of their year of training. However, this program is open for any ophthalmologist who would like to refresh his/her knowledge on different topics. The aim of this program is to achieve an ideal balance between theory and practice.

Accreditation nr: 13006943 - 6 CP


Chair: François Willermain

9:00    Basic Anatomy and optical coherence tomography
           M. Van Lint UZ VUB

9:15    Fluorescein angiography, autofluorescence and indocyanin green angiography
           D. Makhoul ULB St-Pierre and Brugmann

9:30    Electrophysiology and psychophysical testing
           W. Spileers, UZ Leuven

9:45    Vitreoretinal interface abnormalities
            P. Stalmans, UZ Leuven

10:05   Age related macular degeneration
            B. Locht, CHU Liege

10:30    Break

11:00    Retinal vascular disease1
             B. Pion CHU St-Pierre, ULB

11:20    Retinal vascular disease 2
             F. Rasquin Erasme, ULB

11:45    Retinal vascular disease 3
             AC Houtman , UZ-VUB

12:10    Retinal toxic lesions
             E. Smets, UZ Antwerpen

12:25    Choroidal disease
             A. Dewachter, AZ Brugge

12:40    Lunch

14:00    Central serous chorioretinopathy
             L. Postelmans, CHU Brugmann, ULB

14:15    Color vision and color vision deficiency
             C. Andris, CHU Liège

14:30    Macular dystrophies
             J.J. De Laey, UZ Gent
14:50    Hereditary vitreoretinopathies
             F. Beby, HUDERF, ULB

15:10    Peripheral retinal abnormalities
             J. Van Calster, UZ Leuven

15:25    Posterior segment trauma
             R. Ladha, CHU St-Pierre, ULB

15:40    End of the session

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