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TitleThe association between glycaemic control and acute uveitis
Abstract Nr.2024
PurposeUveitis is appreciated to not simply be a single disease. It remains to be part of various disease processes, with different forms following definitive characteristic patterns. However there remains very little knowledge regarding the relationship between diabetes and acute forms of this disease, in particular the association between glycemic control and whether diabetes remains to be a risk factor for this cohort
MethodsA retrospective cohort study was carried out using the Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre database (RCGP RSC) in the United Kingdom. Using specific inclusion/exclusion criteria, episodes were converted to a binary outcome. Regression models were constructed to identify the association between diabetes & Uveitis; logistic regression-binary outcomes, and categorical regression-categorical count outcomes. Diabetes cohort was subsequently studied. Using two different measures of glycemic control (single HBA1c measurement, HbA1c curve) we stratified patients to good (<52mmol), moderate (53-68mmol), poor (69-100mmol), and very poor (>100mmol) to better understand this relationship
ResultsTotal population n=938,734. Diabetic population n=48,584. 2,528 cases of acute uveitis and 253 within the diabetic population were identified. Association between diabetes was noted OR= 2.01 (p<0.01) T1, OR 1.23 (p=0.01) T2. A linear relationship between HBA1c stratifications and infection risk was noted >100 - OR=4.72 (p=<0.001), 69-100 – OR 1.57 (p=0.03) 53-69 OR=1.2 (p=0.29)
ConclusionThere remains a distinct relationship between diabetes and acute uveitis. Glycemic control should play an important role in management of disease
Conflict of interestNo
Authors 1
Last nameANSARI
DepartmentClinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Surrey
Authors 2
Last nameMcgovern
Authors 3
Last nameHinton
Authors 4
Last nameArrowsmith
Authors 5
Last nameDe Lusignan
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