FAB OB 2012
Dear FAB Members,
We wish to thank you all for assisting the OB meeting. You where numerous and fully interested as always.
We wish to thank Professor Anita Leys for her excellent lecture about "ocular manifestations of radiotherapy and chemotherapy". We learned a lot about the item.
We wish to thank Professor Patrick De Potter for his brilliant "Key note lecture": he explained us, everything we need about "the role of imaging studies in evaluating intraocular tumors".
We wish to thank following collegues for presenting us their challenging case reports during our meeting:
- Anita Leys, Leuven: a case of bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation ( BDUMP )
- Laurence Postelmans, CHU-Brugmann: choroidal hemangioma
- Claire Verougstraete CHU-Brugmann: Von Hipple angioma
- Laure Van Bol, ULB Erasme: rare idiopathic bilateral inflammatory disorder of RPE and choroid
- Tine Van Den Broecke, UZ Gent: ocular metastasis
- Francoise Meire, HUDERF/UKZFK: Sturge Weber
- Joke Ruys, UZ Middelheim: posterior scleritis/ocular lymphoma
- Jean-Jacques De Laey, UZ Gent: choroidal osteoma
- Maria Papadaki/ Dewispelaere Remi CHU St Pierre : Congenital hypertrophy of RPE, congenital hamartoma of RPE
- Elise Platteau, AZ Maria Middelares: interferon associated retinopathy
- Julie De Zaeytijd, UZ Gent: Leopard spot retinopathy
- Anne Borlon, CHU citadelle: ocular lymphoma
- Tom Buelens, AZ Sint Jan Brugge/CHU St Pierre: Drusen associated AION
- Thierry Dervaux, UZ Gent: atypical presentation of a retinal dystrophy
- Florence Chaput, St-Pierre/Brugmann: Enhanced S-cone syndrome
Kind regards and I look forward to see you all on next FAB meeting!
Anne Dewachter